(Read this post on Facebook recently - very interesting!)
"Atari Museum - John Foust
The fabled AMY sound chip! I worked at Sight & Sound / VentureDyne, as we tried to develop products using the AMY. I was emailing with Curt Vendel just before his passing, as he tried to research the history of the chip. S&S was a small company, around a half-dozen of us. Most are still alive. I've tried to have other S&S people tell their story about the AMY, but they're afraid of litigation from the VentureDyne guy. Frankly I don't remember if I signed an NDA or what it said.
Yes, unicorns do exist!!!
Just so everyone knows. This was not my find, this was donated to me and the Atari Museum by John Hardie of the National Videogame Museum down in Frisco, TX. John and I have both been helping one another with finds and information and all the credit goes to John on this one."
Lots more information on the Amy chip here: