Want the real retro look and feel of logging onto a BBS? SyncTerm emulates Atari, C-64, Ascii, Atascii ANSI, VT100 you name it..
Connecting has become really simple regardless of platform. If your using Windows, MacOS, Linux, or vintage hardware, you can Telnet instead of dialing into 100's of hosted BBS sites.
Step 1: Download SyncTerm, This is a small program which acts like a directory for bbs sites. Runs on all platforms and is basically the standard for hundreds of thousands of bbs users.
Download SyncTerm Here: https://syncterm.bbsdev.net
Step 2: Set up your directory. This is the same as entering a telephone number but instead its a website address, IP address and Port. Check out this video for more:
Step 3: Over 800 Active BBS's are listed at https://www.telnetbbsguide.com
Here is a sample setting for accessing Southern Amis BBS with SyncTerm:

Hmm, that sounds odd. It sounds like something to do with linefeeds maybe? Not sure though. [A]djust your settings on the BBS itself?
If you have it set to ANSI and RAW, it should be okay....