Since some may not connect to The Basement in ANSI mode ever, I was curious and setup Serial to do it mainly to see the login screen. And the color! Here is the login screen:
I made that screen with "The Draw!" in the 90s. Of course, I completely forgot I made this until I resurrected the BBS in 2017. It was a pleasant surprise when I first tried ANSI on my BBS.I also had another pleasant ANSI surprise earlier this year. I found a module I made that did the main prompt scrolling banner in ANSI mode too. I had forgotten that I added that too. I thought only ATASCII mode had the scrolling banner.These old BBSs are like time capsules. It's amazing what you unearth and rediscover. -JP
I made that screen with "The Draw!" in the 90s. Of course, I completely forgot I made this until I resurrected the BBS in 2017. It was a pleasant surprise when I first tried ANSI on my BBS. I also had another pleasant ANSI surprise earlier this year. I found a module I made that did the main prompt scrolling banner in ANSI mode too. I had forgotten that I added that too. I thought only ATASCII mode had the scrolling banner. These old BBSs are like time capsules. It's amazing what you unearth and rediscover. -JP