I’m looking forward to listening. I’m sure it’s very professional, accurate, and talks about all the great people in atari bbs history including yourself…. 🤣
This guys living in 1984 and thinks he’s running the Atari corporate BBS with 12,000 callers a month.. Too bad 60 lines today only gets him 1 caller a month… Its not a case of if you build it they will come… With Russ, if he builds it they will run…
Russ Campbell: A visual list of my records and Abbot & Costello at the end
After a two year hiatus, we have an update on the Atari Center of Excellence!
Remember those Fisher Price record players? Russ demonstrates a 3D printed record he made for this player. The record he demos has a warp in it. I suppose that's fitting, eh? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xHhUjDd4xU At the end of the video he announces 3D printing courses. $40 per 3-4 hour session. The address for the lessons is this place: https://www.google.com/maps/@43.4337203,-80.4788249,3a,75y,104.54h,98.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svFfgIvw1zvyfWfmYssikXQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu I wonder if this is the infamous squirrel infested warehouse. Sure looks like it could be. 🤣
If this doesn't‘s say it all:
Telnet BBS group 10:00am
WildCat BBS Group 12:05pm
Another sighting.......
Yes this does hang in front of my house.
Facebook Users: Be sure to vote for your favorite Russ video moment(s) on "The Atari Midi Show" Facebook Group. 😉
Someone is squirrel hunting.....