Woot! I completed the conversion of my Action! Library to C (CC65). I found a couple of minor bugs in the Action! library, typos (wrong case), and 1 logic bug, and fixed those. I'll bundle up a revised version and post it this weekend.
I also learned quite a bit about CC65. Very cool. If you know C, it makes for a quick development cycle and allows you to use your favorite modern editor, and speedy emulator. Compilation literally takes just about 1 second on my M1 Max MacBook Pro.
I have to work tonight, so this morning I was finding a bug in the converted GInput() routine where the pointers were getting all f'd when you used ctrl-del to delete a char in the edited string. Resolved. Off by 1 error thanks to Action! and C's difference in string handling. I found a couple of other minor issues in the routine as well (also off by 1 errors!). I got it working 100% now.
I also found that my GSpin() routine, I forgot to re-implement the user defined lower bound check, after I re-implemented the general decrement <0 check. Fixed!
I will start documenting this weekend, and hopefully release it all next week. In the meantime, here is a video demonstrating its use. I tried to make the demo app just like the Action! one, so it looks pretty close if you compare them. I think Action! is just a tad faster in getting data to the screen, although I am doing the same screen writes in both libraries (writing directly to screen memory with mem copy).
Looks like its ready for a sweet 3 ring binder!
Sitting idle on conference call most of the evening thus far. Had time to work on the manual. I made a small update to the cover design of the Action! one, and adapted the overall look to the C one. I made the C like the C on Kernighan and Ritchies book "The C Programming Language" from 1978 (as close as I could without too much effort - LOL).
I've completed most of the document, and just need to read through it and do more code to document comparisons this weekend.