I received the U2410 today, and the SE2422 went back yesterday. I thought I'd post the pics from the 2001FP in each ST resolution and the U2410 in each resolution. Overall the picture quality isn't a really noticeable. The U2410 mono produces slightly more noise/banding than the 2001FP. The big upgrade (for me) is that the U2410 remembers the screen position - something I was always adjusting on the 2001FP. I would also have to power cycle the 2001FP on some mode switches as it would go into YBR instead of RGB. The images as taken with my phone camera show some moire patterns that don't exist on the screen.

U2410 (better color, more noise):

2001FP (some vertical lines are missed - see the H on the DEV drive, but otherwise a good image):

U2410 (about the same, some vertical lines missed - see the B in on the BOOT drive label):

2001FP (pretty good image):

U2410 (about the same, ignore the moire its not on the screen):

I guess the Dell SE2722 might still be an option for me. I'd like to see someones screens in each mode first though as this endeavor is getting expensive...