Brad Arnold sent his disks and a special prize, a 1050 hard drive. Yes an innovative Sysop of some yet to be discovered BBS placed a Seagate Hard Drive and Controller in a 1050 Case.
About 150 Floppy Disks from Brad arrived (Still waiting on the larger collection from Randy) and so far the random tests have been good as able to read the floppies. Some stuck together, definitely some age here and humidity.. Pulled out a back up disk which seems to be Josh Renaud’s BBS an Oasis based board called Club Christian. Also the 1982 AMIS Arcade BBS. Hard drive needs work to get running - 4 pin adapter which I ordered today.
Another suprise - A very well made 1030 Ring Detector! One for the Museum...

My efforts so far... Have not had time to mess with this in about 12 months but I thought I would send what I have along with the spreadsheet descriptions (in excel and office calc). The spreadsheets may be a little cryptic - ask questions.