Okay guys...I know I"m a dinosaur and I do get things wrong (badly) from time to time but I'm really confused about something now. I posted a message over at CBM (Jim Drew) about some of the issues we're still seeing with downloading. Mind you, I did NOT post a message as if I were saying I thought it was the WiModem232 that was the issue. Just want to make that perfectly clear.
From the fog-shrouded depths of my decadent memory, I recall that BITD, with dialup modems, I could set DarkForce! to 19.2k and people could login at any speed below that and download with Zmodem without problems. So...to me, that would seem to imply that we should be able to do the same thing today.
Jim says I'm confused. I get that a lot. :) He says that no Zmodem downloads are possible unless the source (BBS/Wimodem232 or whatever device you are using) and the caller, are *locked* to the same speed. In other words, if you're running your board at 9600 baud, only callers logging in at 9600 can do successful Zmodem downloads. The same thing would apply to DarkForce! at 19.2k.
So I must be confused because I don't recall any complaints back when we were dialup and running at 19.2k with Zmodem downloads. Keep in mind, this was when we were getting between 30-50 calls a day too, and the file section was pretty darned active.
If this is true, then it applies to ALL our BBS's as well. That means I can't call in to any of your BBS's with a speed not matching your BBS and download with Zmodem. I think I'll be calling and trying this theory out.
Anyway, comments, observations, suggestions? I'd love to hear everyone's take on this. Thanks.
Some info here... http://gallium.inria.fr/~doligez/zmodem/zmodem.txt
The modems did lock the speed at the max possible between the two... however on the internet, there are no modems involved. (I know this isn't an answer... I only know enough to be dangerous...) 😎