Recent online discussions at Alcatraz BBS, Southern Amis, Basement BBS, DarkForce brings out the hidden and allusive wire box. We all have them, storing pounds of adapters, connectors, cables and a mix of those old school potentially needed 30 years from now custom adapter.. Show us what you've got! Post a pic of your boiler room, garage kept, or closet wire bundle..

I couldn't live with the wire ball. :P I consider it pseudo organized and can usually find something pretty quick.
This is how I roll. A little bit of everything. I think I have some DSL adapters, and old phone, an old mouse, tons of USB and ethernet, and all kinds of audio. I keep a few in my office as well, but only those I need regularly.
Totally understood. Most times, I think it's the driving force in my life! :)
Have to agree about the "too organized" comment. Gotta have some real chaos in there bro! :)
Ok boff! If the way sxm handled their old radios is still in force that one radio will probably still have a valid subscription until it downloads the new update. That was always the trick. Cancel, don’t turn on the radio for 3 months and it will not turn off the subscription.
Here is a box full of my old Sirius sat radio stuff and the two drawers of Atari stuff that used to be thrown in the box with all the power supplies.
Ok since I guess I am partially responsible for this thread.…..
So...when you go to untangle them.... LOL
This Moves as One Giant Ball
Pulled out box 1 of 3 or maybe 4??
Okay, here are some "bins" and more. Even though it doesn't always look like it, there are cables galore. :)
Here's a STacy parts bin.
The bag in the upper right hand corner is full of cables.
One of a handful of ST parts bins.
Plenty of cables near the bottom - just didn't feel like dragging them out. :)
Even some PC parts. (boo, hiss)
Doesn't look bad until I open that black bag in the lower left hand corner.
See what I mean? :)
Sometimes it's not bins, but just any corner on a shelf.
And then there's always drawers...sometimes cables, sometimes "stuff". :)
Very nice. Professional even.... :)
Speaking of wires, this past week was my SIO cable build week. Finally mouser had the wire cut strips for the plugs and the wire wrap came in from Amazon. 3D printed plug and case to build 8 cables ran for about 5 hours. What do you think? Blue, Black & White this time.