This is my setup on the Wifi modem.
Now FoReM ST has requirements for the modem.dat file. There are also some settings to setup in the Forem.opt - my version.. shown as 2.3 says I can set the speed to HST.. that is the only way it works for me with the UDS-10. and it shows the user connect at 300baud, though it is much faster.
Modem.dat says it wants S0=1 (autoanswer) and V(verbose)0 off and I think in the manual it says E=0 as well because you dont want the commands to echo on the sysop screen. Not sure that E makes a difference.. it has not in my attempt to get it working.
Where I am at now.. . AMIS says he has had this working with a BONE STOCK install.. SO I am thinking.. go back to the version I downloaded from AMIS - 2.2 its shown as.. and install that.. get it working.
THen see if I can move my files over from the 2.3 to the 2.2.. and it would work???4
Got it back up again.. had to leave it powered off for an evening.. maybe I was tired.. no idea.
New F-d up development. The modem claims its 300 baud, but its working at 19200. I can type AT commands at 19200.. but the screen and AT&V says its 300 baud. and it will no longer answer the phone.
Happy DAYS!! after posting on the cbmstuff forum, I know now that the AT&D has been implemented in the current version of the firmware. This means that I will be able to run ForeSight. I will setup a 2nd a address and run it on the other modem with a 2nd machine for now. I will post. WOuld love people to log on and check it out .. see if you can find issues etc..
OK, so as some of you know Bikerbob's Clubhouse is back up and running. I am not completely sure what was wrong and what I fixed. I think I might have had to move the RING number of the autoanswer to 2.. give the software time to respond. It seems to be working fine, and I do see on the screen that the init String of ATS0=1 E0V0 is working.. I am also running the last version of the software 2.51c. SO outside of more customization and getting the last of the door games working .. I have done what I can do with it. Is it everything I hope? no.. but it was a very popular board back in the day and it is very cool to get it running again. I wish there were FoReM ST sysops around to appreciate it.. but I have yet to find any of the people that were associated with it still involved in the hobby. :(
With the Wimodem232 its nice I have managed to get several BBS softwares running.. not all perfectly. Turboboard - which is a followup to FoReM - by Bill Turner who was the last maintainer of FoReM ST I have managed to get to run, but there are several things that do not seem to work correctly in the BBS.. so not sure it really is a functional board what we are left with. No source for this as well.
ForeSight - I have gotten to run with the Wimodem232. BUT there is a snag. I need the Wimodem232 to monitor the DTR signal, and when it drops, hangup the modem. I do not think it does that at the moment, but this is how ForeSight disconnects a caller. So I can login.. but can only HARD HANGUP.. no logoff. Ansi screens are pretty crazy good, and it is very close to Ratsoft, or Express Pro, or 90s PC bbs' so I think I would like to move the board over to it, assuming I can get the DTR thing working. I have posted on the cbmstuff Forum.
I do notice a funky set of characters displayed on the screen when you get the prompt to continue to displayed a paged screen .. but it does not seem to effect anything.
Worked well.. No issue, rolling well! Welcome Back..
Seemed to work fine for me. Was able to get caught up on the messages without any issues.
We are currently up and running 9600.. seems good. Fixed a few things I seem to be missing? Not sure but it is up..
Please log in.. see if your good.
Usually starts up in command mode. Will usually stay there unless it is set to auto-answer and gets a connection or you do something to pull it out of command mode (like an ATO or dial a connection).
I was asked to come and try to help you out, but the last message says you got it up and running? Just trying to clarify where we're at.
Got Turboboard 2.20 up and running. It did answer and at 9600 .. which is what I set the Turbo.OPT value at .. so thats good.. the board does not seem to work correctly though.. so thats weird.
OK, so I have a lot of BBS Software. ST/BBS I tried.. it does not communicate either. I am still looking for a config, but it says it will answer the phone. Maybe I need to setup the modem some way yet. I have it running, but not sure its work correct. I have Turbo as well, not tried it yet. Getting back to FoReM ST. I will set autoanswer.. ATS0=1 it also wants V0 and E0.. but that is also what is suppose to be on the setup string.. which the software IS NOT sending to the modem..
SO I get to the +++ to enter command mode.. is the wimodem 232 always in command mode?? or do I put it in? This part I am unclear of.
OK, so with my default setup I can tell you that the BBS is not communicating with the MODEM at all. No init string, no reset, no offhook if a local login happens.. nothing.. the BBS does not seem to know there is a modem.
Now if I set Autoanswer on.. then it will start.. but prior to that there is nothing FROM THE BBS to the modem.
This is not the standard operation.
Keep us updated!
OK, I have the wimodem232 .. is there a debug setup? or a log that can be downloaded? Anyway.. I put the .TOS version of 2.51c in the bbs directory, and it fires up and runs the bbs great.. so that gives me the last known version of FoReM ST.. Wish I could learn to edit a few things.. I do notice that I have messed up something in the command usage.. security settings say I should be able to use Command "I" which would allow the changing of the terminal graphics.. but it is not working.. I have no idea why.
Other than that.. booting is fine, and gets to the prompt and waits.. in watching the screen I do notice that the modem does not seem to receive any commands when FoReM ST starts.. which is puzzling because I would have thought it would do the modem init string when first booting.. but I guess I am going to have to call it.
Tomorrow I will be at the shop. I will change the ddns address to the shop. and set it up for the 1040 port. I will do an ATI print to show you what its setup as. I will then use another computer on a proxy and call the board .. while watching the 232 screen and see if commands are being sent.
What... I'm everywhere, all the time. I'm the all-weather, all-season SysOp! :)
Kind of funny the talk about some of the boards is how people are noticing that I have been down now for a while and that the goal is to get me up and running by April 1st - I usually only had darklord calling regular and JP the odd time. OH well.
Hope you get better soon James! :)
So I got the modem on Monday... the same day I tested positive for Covid... crap.. SO I am home now - all my Atari stuff is at my shop. SO I will be setting up a machine with the ForemST 2.51c and my files, and the OLED Wifimodem so that I can see what it is doing when getting the command string... but most likely not for a little while.. maybe a week or so.. I am WAY behind at work now..
Well still waiting for the WImodem232 with OLED from CBM stuff.. sorry guys.. I would love to get this up and running.. Hopefully I will. Life is crazy busy at the moment and a lot on the plate.
You're using little in a way I'm unfamiliar with... :)