We were talking about those little 1/6 scale arcade games on the bbs a while back. I picked up one of these "Build-A-Cades" a few months ago for $50.00 and just finally built it the other day. This one is a kit you put together and it takes a raspberry pi and runs the RetroPie game emulator system.
It can emulate pretty much everything Arcade / MAME, NES, SNES, SEGA, Atari 800, Colecovision, Playstation etc etc.. What is also cool is another guy (Zsabo Arcade) makes overlays to convert the cabinets to all kinds of dedicated cabs.. I got the Donley Kong one and it came out really nice. I need to talk to these guys about manufacturing. It is very similar to the laptop... Injection molded plastic, custom wire harness boards etc... I think an XE Book kit would be awesome.
Build-a-cade ($50.00 if you enter coupon TMG50) - https://thunderstickstudio.com/products/grs-build-a-cade?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC9ZMUlWJtjNsNT2zGmrZHmmdEa5T&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_9u5BhCUARIsABbMSPuzndyRiCTc86FZD9SA8A2Lt79sechfJr7P-ZKXwU8moeUYwsRmt_MaAhqkEALw_wcB
Art kits: https://www.szabosarcades.com/collections/grs-build-a-cade-1