I wrote this library for managing text windows starting in 2015 in the Action! language. The windows have different ornamental controls. I've added features I've dubbed gadgets like radio buttons, regular buttons, checkboxes, progress bars, spinners, and input controls that have type restrictions and scroll if they are larger than displayable space. The gadgets allow building forms which are very close to modern dialogs. I blogged the progress of the library over the years, and over the last couple of months converted the library to C (CC65). I blogged about the C conversion as well. I created full API documentation for both and build some sample apps in each language. The blog has some video demonstrations.
Once I completed the C version, I decided to create GitHub repositories for distribution rather than my blog. Maybe someone will find them useful. Here are the links:
Action! blog with latest release: https://unfinishedbitness.info/2022/08/27/action-library-v1-51/
Action! blog entries: https://unfinishedbitness.info/2016/04/27/action-windows/ (first post on window library)
Action! GitHub page: https://github.com/Ripjetski6502/A8ActionLibrary
C blog entries: https://unfinishedbitness.info/tag/c-cc65/
C GitHub page: https://github.com/Ripjetski6502/A8CLibrary