Just procured Spyder SP408 for Multi-User Nite Lite BBS - built by Paul Swanson author of NiteLite. Looks like 3 Wimodems will work nicely with this device.
was this specifically for the ST Nite Lite? or could it be used with the 8-bit version? I see in that post that Darklord put up that there was source available for the ST version at one point? or do we know if Paul Swanson ever did an ST version past the one in the download? Might be worth playing with. Have you tried playing with the ST version yet Southernamis?
I just put FoReM XEP up 3 weeks ago when Phigan lost his domain and nitelite yeah, I don’t see you there either LOL.. Southern Amis is busy! Stop by sometime but you will need to reapply LOL
Unknown member
Nov 27, 2023
You purchased this device from me! I hope it works for you. One port is for the local/SysOp and the other 3 are for modems. This device worked when I used it 30+ years ago... One thing I should mention, that On/Off switch was installed by me (30 years ago), it was not part of the original design. This was a very cool device, If you remember back then, we had local and long distance calling areas, I made friends with other sysops and we would allow each other to dial out from our BBS's. That way you could call other BBS's that were long distance from your area but local to the BBS you were dialing out from. Very cool hack. :-) There was an SP808 as well.
Pretty sure the XEP80 also. In fact, if the Spyder has the exact same one as the SX212, that might have had something to do with the choice. The 1030 though, actually LOOKS the same, but it's 9vAC not DC (I had actually thought it was the same myself but only realized it when I was making my power tower stack and almost did something ... unwise).
So yeah, using the same connector.... not a smart decision on Atari's part.
was this specifically for the ST Nite Lite? or could it be used with the 8-bit version? I see in that post that Darklord put up that there was source available for the ST version at one point? or do we know if Paul Swanson ever did an ST version past the one in the download? Might be worth playing with. Have you tried playing with the ST version yet Southernamis?
You purchased this device from me! I hope it works for you. One port is for the local/SysOp and the other 3 are for modems. This device worked when I used it 30+ years ago... One thing I should mention, that On/Off switch was installed by me (30 years ago), it was not part of the original design. This was a very cool device, If you remember back then, we had local and long distance calling areas, I made friends with other sysops and we would allow each other to dial out from our BBS's. That way you could call other BBS's that were long distance from your area but local to the BBS you were dialing out from. Very cool hack. :-) There was an SP808 as well.
Supplied power supply
Device arrirved all well packed. here are some internal XXX photos... Recap parts on their way JIC...
Was this ever actually working on any BBS setup "back in the day"? I'm only asking because when I searched on it I found this:
I'm guessing that based on the serial number, that is the 7th unit.
I'm guessing that you could also use one port for dialup....
Now we just need to send it to Ken and have him make more! :)
Now that's a major coup... great work!