As most know, I have coded Amodem for 80 Column but had challenges with cursor movement when break movies Atascii cursor movement occurred. I have the fix but found in the archives a term program which I assumed was only VT100.. Well, it has full Atascii emulation and scrolls 80 Column perfectly. Lots of features in this simple term program including custom XIO set up which is unique For Atari term programs. Here is a video of my connect to HHBBS after changing my profile
parameters to 80 Column. You will see the messages bases in Atascii in 80 column.. Up for download on the BBS in a full ATR so use SyncTerm in RAW to download file name: omnicom
I grabbed a copy yesterday. Probably going to need to re-download it on syncterm. I downloaded it with bobterm and not sure how I can mount an atr within sdx