Out of frustration (and some wasted time) with existing offerings that I am aware of, I decided to roll my own. Presented here is a functional preview of Mr. Paint which is a text mode ATASCII drawing (not animation) program. The core features work and can be used today. It is written in C, and uses my TUI library also written in C. I will post the source to my GitHub once its ready for final release, as well as an update to my C library.
-Modern TUI interface (dialogs, progress bars, popup status, help, popup horizontal menu with drop down selections)
-File save, load, and new. Print is on the menu for now but may be removed.
-Full ATASCII support (lower, caps, special, and the inverse of those)
-Cursor wrap at screen edges
-Cursor auto advance on/off via preferences.
-Block operations (copy, paste, inverse, clear)
-Support up to 8 drives, can set default via preferences.
-Editor buffer destruction protection, aka "Are you sure?", anytime you load or quit with a modified editor screen.
-It will eventually have the ability to insert figlet strings from fonts designed with Mr. Figlet (once I get that complete).
-Block operations
-Print (may be on the chopping block)
-Figlet integration
Reworking the load and save.. Added a character map.
I have a release candidate with all core functions working - enough to draw, load and save. The rest of the icing: block operations, line operations, and directory are still outstanding. I'm also trying to device a way to highlight the cursor without using a player/missile - likely a blink.
A new feature added is trim trailing (with a preference), which will omit all blank lines at the bottom of the screen (not blanks interlaced with content). I'm deciding how useful it would be to omit trailing line space, but that poses some issues with loading a screen into the editor - unless I do an export feature.
Amis has the candidate and doing some beta testing.
It's very usable in the state it is in right now, and will help me with what I need to do. I'll release it once I get some of the advanced features complete.
cool! I was just asking a few days ago how you guys were doing ascii art.
Outstanding! Stupendous! Have not had a new Atascii Editor since the late 1980’s! Well done! Awesome!