Out of frustration (and some wasted time) with existing offerings that I am aware of, I decided to roll my own. Presented here is a functional preview of Mr. Paint which is a text mode ATASCII drawing (not animation) program. The core features work and can be used today. It is written in C, and uses my TUI library also written in C. I will post the source to my GitHub once its ready for final release, as well as an update to my C library.
-Modern TUI interface (dialogs, progress bars, popup status, help, popup horizontal menu with drop down selections)
-File save, load, and new. Print is on the menu for now but may be removed.
-Full ATASCII support (lower, caps, special, and the inverse of those)
-Cursor wrap at screen edges
-Cursor auto advance on/off via preferences.
-Block operations (copy, paste, inverse, clear)
-Support up to 8 drives, can set default via preferences.
-Editor buffer destruction protection, aka "Are you sure?", anytime you load or quit with a modified editor screen.
-It will eventually have the ability to insert figlet strings from fonts designed with Mr. Figlet (once I get that complete).
-Block operations
-Print (may be on the chopping block)
-Figlet integration
Where do I get the latest version at?