With ease of upgrading old school hardware to WiFi the community of users is growing
Check out these BBS's either in ASCII, Atascii or ANSI
Southern Amis southernamis.ddns.net port 23
The Basement BBS basementbbs.ddns.net:9000
Darkforces darkforces-bbs.dyndns.org:520
SFHQ bbs.sfhqbbs.org:5983
Level 29 bbs.fozzted.com:23
Boot Factory bfbbs.no-ip.com:8888
Alcatraz alcatrazbbs.ddns.net:900
Just learning how? Download SyncTerm from the downloads page - PC, Mac or other..

Well I also Did my Job an directed people who have had this list and all the information of how to get onto a BBS from FujiNet for well over 2 years now.. And of course the fact that Russ's bbs crashes constantly
Well I did my job! Lol
Er.... DarkForce is port 1040 now... :)