Got a guy over on DarkForce! that seems to be having a lot of trouble trying to download any files.
If possible can someone try SyncTerm with the MacOS and see what their results are? I don't have a Mac so I'm at a dead end here. This would be at either 38400 or 19200.
I download with SyncTerm with either Kubuntu Linux (laptop) or my Windows 10 box and downloads work absolutely fine with no errors.
Here's a screenshot of what he says happens every time he tries:
Thanks everyone...
Syncterm 1.2 rc4 is now available...
I don't have a MAC so I cannot test that but here's my batch download of 12 files (ZModem) at 115200 baud... which is why I always say "there is no baud rate in networks packet comms" .
No runs... no hits... NO ERRORS!!!
I’m using the Mac OS version without issue. Take it you ran him through the usual Raw mode stuff?