SyncTerm Update! It now supports Atari VT52.
As of the latest nightly release (1.7b), users can change the palette.
Simply put an entry like this (this is the one I am currently using):
Palette =16777199,16711680,4215804,0
At the end of the BBS entry that you want to change the pallete
on, in the "SYNCTERM.LST" file found (on my system) in:
These are hexadecimals, translated into decimal, then used.
I used this website to grab a color and it's hexadecimal value for my screen:
The only change I needed was for green, which is entry 3 in the list.
The author of SyncTerm has stated that in the 2.0 release he will make this better/easier.
This is what my DarkForce! BBS logon using SyncTerm set to VT52 looks like now: