Okay, just saw this over at Atari Age (Atari 8bit msg base, 8bit BBS thread):
"By the way my BBS says something about logging onto The Basement BBS and teaching John Polka all about the world of wrestling, also I use 8 different logon screens."
I'll give you 3 guesses as to who posted it and the first 2 don't count. Oh, the name is 4 letters and starts with an "R" and ends with an "S". ROFLMAO
Perhaps he's living concurrent time threads? One from now and from then? It would certainly explain a lot... :)
It's an odd message. I mentioned this on the "Projects, projects, projects" thread:
A few years ago, he ran a FoReM ST BBS for a little bit. I called and played the BBS' wrestling game. I think that might be why he's mentioning me and wrestling. 😂 -JP